On-Air: Weekdays 6am – 10am
Why Broadcasting? There’s not much more I’m capable of doing. There’s also not much more I would want to do. When I get to come in every morning and just laugh … I guess that’s why
Most Memorable Broadcasting Moment: When my booty called the show. I was going under for colon removal surgery when they gave me the good stuff, he went rogue. On a more cerebral tip, when we have people on the air tell us amazing stores that change the course of our show because they’re so moving. Got one?
Personal Motto: Never use a bathroom in a dream. Just trust me, please.
If I Were a Superhero, My Superpower Would be: To read minds. People have some crazy stuff going on upstairs.
Ride or Die Album: Christina Aguilera’s all Spanish Christmas album. I’m not sure what I’m saying but darn, I sound good!
Song You Can Hear Me Singing in the Shower: SZA – I hate you!

On-Air: Weekdays 6am – 10am
Why Broadcasting? I flunked out of law school and couldn’t hit a curve ball.
Most Memorable Broadcasting Moment: When the city stopped us from flushing all the toilets in town at the same time because it would blow up the water treatment facility. I still think the river would go down at least a foot.
Personal Motto: Rub some dirt on it.
If I Were a Superhero, My Superpower Would be: X-ray vision of course!
Ride or Die Album: Disintegration – The Cure
Song You Can Hear Me Singing in the Shower: “It was a good day” – Ice Cube