Hope for the Holidays has been providing support to families in need during Christmas since 2013.
If you would like to adopt a family or are needing support this Christmas please contact Tara Prom at tara.prom@isd47.org.
It’s never too late to make a difference in the lives of others.
School age kids list:
- Games (Sorry, Memory, Headbanz, Connect 4, Trouble, Jenga, Cribbage, Sequence, Yahtzee, Apples to Apples, Guess Who and Monopoly)
- Duplo kits and small lego sets
- Hot wheels and remote control cars
- Action figures (Superhero, Princess, Disney, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars)
- Magna doodle toy
- Magna-tiles
- Jigsaw puzzles (24, 48 and 100 pieces)
- Sound story books, sticker story books, pop-up books and “seek and find” books
- Play-Doh and Play-Doh tools
- Fleece blankets (minimum 52″ x 57″ long) bigger square blankets vs. skinny rectangle-towel sized blankets