
Moped Mafia!!!

By JJ Holiday Apr 6, 2021 | 10:08 AM

Moped Mafia


Fired up the hog the other day.  Our Moped Mafia is about to dominate the hood again.

Last summer, a few of us formed a gang.  Middle aged, paunchy men on mopeds screams “Mid-life crisis for the financially responsible” like nothing else.  BUT – what it did was bring us a level of goofy fun that sometimes fades as you concentrate on careers and family.

I have zero reservations when saying that my family is and always will be my main priority  –  they bring me limitless joy and I know that I’m blessed to have this and to spend time with them every day.

BUT……having a moped is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME.  I HIGHLY suggest you get one if you have the means.

Yes, I drive it to work.

No, I can’t do a wheelie on it.

Yes, the neighborhood kids laugh and point.

No, I can’t get it faster than 40mph…downhill…with a backwind.

I’m getting NO compensation from any moped distributor, but I’m available for endorsements.

My point is this:  Maybe you’re someone that’s dedicated their life to their family and career.  No shame in that.  Try to find your moped though…it might be a book club, a gym, meditation….that’s on you.  BUT, if you don’t have something you feel is YOUR MOPED…time to look for it.  Could make you level up in happiness J

Here’s to living your best life…at 28mph..

104.7 KCLD

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