Last week I started watching “Survivor” for the first time ever. HOW HAVE I LIVED 28 YEARS WITHOUT WATCHING A SINGLE EPISODE? I have no idea… However, I’m hooked. This new obsession is what inspired me to play out KCLD Survivor. But who would be victorious and take home the $1 million??
Before we get into the competition, let’s find out who’s competing. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths: Very good liar, Likable, Sociable
Weakness: Scared of spiders and doesn’t have a colon.
Strengths: Physically fit, Has leadership qualities, Life experience.
Weakness: Old
Famous Amos
Strengths: Avid camper, physically strong, No BS
Weakness: Quiet and introverted
Derek Lee
Strengths: Sociable, Team Player, Positive Outlook
Weakness: Ticking time bomb
Alayna Jaye
Strengths: Resourceful, Smart, and Likable
Weakness: Would burn the quickest and wouldn’t kill a living thing to eat to survive.
Since there are only 5 of us, we will all be in a tribe together with the obvious name, “KCLD.”
Here is how I imagine KCLD Survivor would play out:
Being married, Kat and Derek Lee have made an obvious alliance, which leaves JJ, Famous Amos, and Alayna Jaye to band together to try to break up their bond. JJ wins the first challenge, giving himself immunity. JJ has a secret alliance with Kat, since they’ve known each other for 13 years. Famous Amos and Alayna Jaye are suspicious, but JJ promises them he’s on their side. At the Tribal Council, JJ blindsides Famous Amos and Alayna Jaye by choosing to join Kat and Derek Lee. Famous Amos gets voted out in a 3-2 vote.
Kat, Derek Lee, and JJ are now in an alliance. Alayna Jaye is the outsider and her only hope is to win a challenge. JJ wins the second challenge, giving himself immunity once again and Alayna now has to grovel at everyone’s feet to try and stay. She tells JJ that Kat and Derek Lee will always pick each other over him and if he doesn’t win the next immunity challenge, he’s out. That conversation sways JJ to join Alayna Jaye’s side to vote out Derek Lee. At the Tribal Council, before the votes are read, Derek Lee surprises everyone with a hidden immunity idol that his wife Kat found while digging a hole to poop in. Since JJ also has immunity, Alayna Jaye is voted out 2-2.
It is now JJ vs. Kat and Derek Lee. At least, that’s what Derek Lee thinks. Kat has been playing the social game the entire time and using her mad lying skills, she makes a promise to JJ that if she wins the next immunity challenge she will choose him over Derek Lee. But why would Kat do that? She says it’s because she’s known JJ longer than Derek Lee. JJ once again wins the immunity challenge. At the second to last tribal council, Derek Lee knows he is about to be sacrificed by his wife. He is voted out 2-0.
The game is now down to Kat and JJ. The Tribal Council composed of Derek Lee, Alayna Jaye, and Famous Amos will decide who wins. However, before they vote, the Tribal Council can ask both Kat and JJ a question.
Derek Lee goes first asking JJ why he thinks he should win. JJ’s answer is simple, he has won the most immunity challenges, he physically won the game. Derek Lee asks Kat the same question. Her answer is that she played the social game and even though physically she wasn’t as strong as JJ her personality, lying ability, and kindness made her just as strong of a competitor. Kat also points out that JJ was a sore winner and would gloat about his immunity challenge wins all night and day.
Alayna Jaye is next and asks why JJ lied week 1 about his alliance with Kat and Derek Lee. He says the alliance wasn’t broken until they arrived at Tribal Council and decided physically Famous Amos was more of a threat than anyone else on the team. He joined Kat and Derek Lee’s alliance to help himself later in the game. Alayna Jaye tells Kat she’s the best and that she respected her move, giving her man, Derek Lee her immunity idol.
Famous Amos is the last Tribal Council member to ask a question. Instead of asking a question, he just stands up, gives a big sigh, shakes his head, then sits down. Truly showing how disappointed he was at being the first person voted out.
The Tribal Council then votes.
Voting Breakdown
Derek Lee votes for Kat (obviously he wants some of that $$$$)
Alayna Jaye votes for Kat (GIRL POWER)
Famous Amos votes for JJ (He gave him a compliment saying he was strong)